Friday, January 29, 2010

Whisper by Phoebe Kitanidis

Publication Date: April 27, 2010


I’d love a cup of coffee. I wish she knew how pretty she was. I wish I could drop this kid in the dryer sometimes. I just want her to be happy. I hope she didn’t find out what Ben said about her. I wish I knew how many calories were in a bite of muffin…

Joy is used to hearing Whispers. She’s used to walking down the street and instantly knowing people’s deepest, darkest desires. She uses this talent for good, to make people happy and give them what they want. But for her older sister, Jessica, the family gift is a curse, and she uses it to make people’s lives—especially Joy’s—miserable. Still, when Joy Hears a frightening whisper from Jessica's own mind, she knows she has to save her sister, even if it means deserting her friends, stealing a car and running away with a boy she barely knows—a boy who may have a dark secret of his own.

My Two Cents:

What if you could hear your closest friends' thoughts of you? Do you think you'd still be friends? Joy could always hear people's thoughts and desires. After a while Joy begins to hear the darkness within people's thoughts. Before she only heard mere requests..which she would always fulfill. To tell the truth, I was happy when she started hearing what people REALLY thought. Her sister Icka was happy as well who had been hearing "bad" whispers for most of her life. Joy's need to please everyone just because she heard their wishes drove me nuts! She was just so naive it was hard for me to watch.

I felt like the characters needed more development. I found myself not really caring about any of them. I still had questions when I closed the book. I felt like the author just gave a brief synopsis on everyone. Sorry guys, I just wasn't crazy about this one. It was just okay.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sexy Book Talk: Money Saving Tips for Book Lovers

If you don't happen to live alone, then you're book buying habits mpst likely affect the other people around you. It could be because you're spend their money (parents), you have packages of books coming to the houe all the time, you have books laying all over the house, under beds, in drawers, in shelves, and hanging out of shelves because they can't fit. Most likely if the people you live with aren't readers themselves they probably complain alll the time! For example, my boyfriend and I live together. He used to be bothered by them being all over but now I think he's giving up the fight lol. Now the argument is how much is being spent on the books. I personally go book shopping every Tuesday usually. There's a bookstore near my job that sometimes gets new books for half the price. You can't beat that! At times they only have one in stock so I have to check every week to make sure I'm not missing anything lol.
My book bill comes up to about $30 a week. I don't think it's too bad but everyone else around me does. I have over 600 books in my tbr . It's gotten so crazy that now I've resorted to buying books and leaving them at my job so that he doesn't find out lol. ..also because I have no more shelf space! I have at least 30 books in my cubicle at work. My co-workers are beginning to complain but ummm who cares what they think??
As YA lovers, we all are so excited for 2010. So many awesome books are coming out that if we went and purchased all of them we'd ALL be poor! So I've begun to work on my book spending habits by finding ways to get books without spending. Book trading between bloggers and friends have become a weekly thing for me. Also trading through PaperBackSwap and Bookmooch are the best book trading sites I've come across. Paperbackswap has games that allow you to play for books. Not only does it save you tons of money, but they're also really fun. Goodreads is also getting into the new swapping craze. On there, all you have to do is pay for shipping and someone sends you the book. There's also Swap Tree where you can trade dvds, cds, and books. So it's pretty nice to get rid of a dvd you hated anyway to a person who has a book you've been dying for.
Joining Blog tours have also become my new thing. My buddy Cindy has started Around The World Tours, there's also Harmony's One ARC Tours, and Other Shelf Tours. All you have to do is sign up for the books you're interested in reading. You recieve the book, read it, review it and mail it on to the next person. Alot of these books haven't even been released yet. So it's definitely a good way to get your hands on some ARC's.
Imagine the look on my boyfriend's face when he starts yelling about me spending on books and I say "Nope! I got this for free!" Trust me, it's priceless lol.
I hope this was helpful. If you can think of more tips please do share!

Waiting on Wednesday (4)

Experienced (Beautiful Americans #3) by Lucy Silag

Waiting on Wednesday is brought to you by Jill @ Breaking the Spine :)

Publication Date: April 19, 2010

Why I'm So Antsy:

True love prevails in the final Beautiful Americans novel! All hell breaks loose when PJ is discovered alive by her friends after she faked her own suicide. Alex, Jay, Olivia, and Zack all vow to protect her and keep her hidden in Paris, but one by one she turns their lives into a nightmare. Despite her angelic looks, destruction follows PJ everywhere. Then Alex uncovers a scandal that could rock the Lycée to its core—if told. But with each characters’ personal journey resolved at the end of a wild year abroad, what’s most important is that they got through it together.

This cover is pretty much the same as the other two in this trilogy but what can I say? I love purple! I'm telling you, 2010 will be such a breakthrough year for YA books.

Side Note: I'm closing my contest for Something Like Fate today! I will be letting Random org choose that lucky winner before the week is out so keep checking your e-mails. Thanks to everyone who signed up :-)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves

Publication Date: January 5, 2010


Love can be a dangerous thing....
Hanna simply wants to be loved. With a head plagued by hallucinations, a medicine cabinet full of pills, and a closet stuffed with frilly, violet dresses, Hanna's tired of being the outcast, the weird girl, the freak. So she runs away to Portero, Texas in search of a new home.

But Portero is a stranger town than Hanna expects. As she tries to make a place for herself, she discovers dark secrets that would terrify any normal soul. Good thing for Hanna, she's far from normal. As this crazy girl meets an even crazier town, only two things are certain: Anything can happen and no one is safe.

My Two Cents:

I loved main character Hanna in this book despite how nuts she was. From Page one all she wanted was to be loved by her mom. Hanna shows up on her mom's doorstep out of nowhere demanding to be loved and won't leave until she feels it. This town Portero that her mom lives in is full of all types of monsters, ghosts, creatures...pretty much anything you could make up in your head that could hurt you was in this town. I felt like I was watching an episode of Supernatural lol. I never knew what kind of creature would just appear on the next page. I would just love to see a movie for this just to see if all the monsters are how I imagained. This author has such a great imagination that really makes the book different from so many others. I mean how often do you see a biracial main character?? Almost never and I love that that was not the focus of the book but just a minor detail about the character. The best way to describe Hanna is that she's just pretty damn ballsy like her mom. She doesn't care what people think of her, and she's not afraid of didly squat. I love it!

Throughout the 2nd half of the book Hanna is trying all kinds of schemes to save her mom from an evil spirit that somehow makes her mom much nicer to her. Unfortunately people get hurt in the process. Alot of other reviews I've caught wind of have described it as "weird". Maybe I'm weird lol but I would like to call it original. There was a little bit of everything here. There were monsters on every page to look out for, romance, mommy- daughter issues, magic, and ghosts. There was something for everyone is this book. Please get out and get this book if you haven't already. It's a little thick but it's filled with actual plot unlike some books that drag out every moment just to make the book longer (I hate that). I'm a huge fan of purple so I am in LOVE with this cover. This will make my Sexy Books list!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My First Contest!!!!

Win Something Like Fate by Susanne Colasanti!!

Yes, I'm a new blogger and I figured since it's been a couple months, why not host my first contest?? I'm giving away a brand new ARC of Something Like Fate by Susanna Colasanti. This book doesn't come out until May 2010!


What if you find your soul mate. . . and he’s your best friend’s boyfriend?Best friends Lani and Erin couldn’t be more different. Lani’s reserved and thoughtful; Erin’s bubbly and outgoing. Lani likes to do her own thing; Erin prefers an entourage. There’s no possible way they could be interested in the same guy. So when Erin starts dating Jason, Lani can’t believe she feels such a deep connection with him—and it may be mutual. The more Lani fights it, the more certain she feels that it’s her fate to be with Jason. But what do you do when the love of your life is the one person you can’t have?

Leave me a comment with your added points and e-mail address

+2 entries for following me
+3 entries for already following me
+5 entries for blogging about my contest (Leave the link)

This contest is open Internationally!

This contest is now CLOSED