In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren
So at first I was going to do a vlog but decided against it since that would make for at least a ten minute video.
Since I didn't do a imm last week, here's last week's loot:
Now my books from BEA
Thanks to all the authors and publishers that contributed to me getting all this loot! What did YOU get??
Saturday, May 29, 2010
At BEA: Where Sexy Meets Books
Heyyy so I'm back! Even though technically I never left...since I live in NY. Let's start from the beginning. Tuesday night I went to the Class of 2K10 author event at Books of Wonder. It was great seeing ALL of those debut authors in one spot. Here they are:

First they all went down the line introducing themselves and their books. Some actually decided to read a passage or two from it. We got to ask them questions afterward. Someone asked how they came up with the idea for their books. Rhonda Hayton, author of The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams answered that her son turns into a werewolf sometimes and that gave her the idea for one of the characters in her book. Another question asked was what was the hardest thing about writing the novel. Mostly all of them agreed that writing their bio on the back and the book summaries took the longest. I got over my shyness and asked them all what was the best setting for them to write in. Most of them said they just wrote when they could but Bonnie J. Doerr, author of Island Sting needs to have a fresh flower of the season and something else that reminds her of the book she's writing. So it was really cool getting to know these authors behind the books. Honestly there were a couple books I'd seen before but was on the fence about reading it and certain authors convinced me. I did get some autographs and swag while I was there. Here's me and Irene Latham, author of Leaving Gee's Bend:
And here is me with Erica Pearl, author of Vintage Veronica and Alexandra Diaz, author of Of All the Stupid Things:
Let me be clear why I don't have Alex's book in my hand (yes I've nicknamed her Alex lol), the bookstore did not have any copies of her book in stock. Luckily I saw her again at BEA and was able to get a signed copy :)
Now on to BEA.....
It was AMAZING!!! The authors, the books, all the bloggers I met in the different lines, the publishing houses....everything about it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I never felt so much love for books in one place. I've been to the Javitts Center a million times for different events and never have I felt like I belonged so much. Some lines for author signings were definitely longer than others but by the second day I realized that I needed to come extra early or extra late. The longest author lines I stood in had to be for Lauren Oliver and Diana Peterfreud. Speaking of Diana Peterfreud, can you believe I'm standing in line for another author signing and she was RIGHT behind me!! I was so nervous, I didn't know what to say or do lol. So I did what any blogger would do. I began to tweet that she was right behind me and to ask for advice on what to say and as I'm typing this she says to the person she was talking to "this girl in front of me is tweeting about me". So yes, I almost died of embarassment HA! But she was cool about it and she remembered me so that was nice. Way to be remembered huh?
The second day was a lot calmer. Not as much people were milling around and not as many YA author signings. I figured out that for the most part at BEA yes you make a schedule of all the author signings you want to go to but in between those times it's good to walk by some booths because you never know what they're giving out. I got plenty of books and random swag this way. You have to kind of stumble upon some stuff.
My boyfriend called me a nerd for going BUT here's proof that not only us "book nerds" go to these things.
See? There's Tony Hawk! I also happened to be walking around and my heart just stopped when I saw him... Mr. Nigel Barker Fashion Photographer from America's Top Model!!
Isn't he lovely?? Ah yes... He didn't have his book with him but I was happy to just be in those arms lol.
Anywho back to the books... Here's myself and Simone Elkeles who's truly hilarious.
On the other side of her table was champagne and chocolate for us! Now that's what I call a signing. Even though after that champagne I felt just a little too loose lol.
Here I am with Lauren Oliver. check out those stacks and stacks of Before I Fall and Delirium! I'd say waiting in line for 45 minutes for her was worth it.
And one more pic of me with Laurie Halse Anderson who is a legend and just so sweet. She loved the fact that we were both wearing purple cardigans :)
I got loads of books. Some books and swag I got just to give away because you guys are awesome. So please do look out for a huge contest coming in a couple of days. By the time Thursday rolled around by back and shoulders were killing me, my feet were swollen and my thighs hurt from chaffing (don't ask). BUT it was all worth it. If you didn't make it this year I truly hope I've convinced you to come next year. Stay tuned for my Imm BEA edition!

First they all went down the line introducing themselves and their books. Some actually decided to read a passage or two from it. We got to ask them questions afterward. Someone asked how they came up with the idea for their books. Rhonda Hayton, author of The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams answered that her son turns into a werewolf sometimes and that gave her the idea for one of the characters in her book. Another question asked was what was the hardest thing about writing the novel. Mostly all of them agreed that writing their bio on the back and the book summaries took the longest. I got over my shyness and asked them all what was the best setting for them to write in. Most of them said they just wrote when they could but Bonnie J. Doerr, author of Island Sting needs to have a fresh flower of the season and something else that reminds her of the book she's writing. So it was really cool getting to know these authors behind the books. Honestly there were a couple books I'd seen before but was on the fence about reading it and certain authors convinced me. I did get some autographs and swag while I was there. Here's me and Irene Latham, author of Leaving Gee's Bend:
And here is me with Erica Pearl, author of Vintage Veronica and Alexandra Diaz, author of Of All the Stupid Things:
Let me be clear why I don't have Alex's book in my hand (yes I've nicknamed her Alex lol), the bookstore did not have any copies of her book in stock. Luckily I saw her again at BEA and was able to get a signed copy :)
Now on to BEA.....
It was AMAZING!!! The authors, the books, all the bloggers I met in the different lines, the publishing houses....everything about it gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I never felt so much love for books in one place. I've been to the Javitts Center a million times for different events and never have I felt like I belonged so much. Some lines for author signings were definitely longer than others but by the second day I realized that I needed to come extra early or extra late. The longest author lines I stood in had to be for Lauren Oliver and Diana Peterfreud. Speaking of Diana Peterfreud, can you believe I'm standing in line for another author signing and she was RIGHT behind me!! I was so nervous, I didn't know what to say or do lol. So I did what any blogger would do. I began to tweet that she was right behind me and to ask for advice on what to say and as I'm typing this she says to the person she was talking to "this girl in front of me is tweeting about me". So yes, I almost died of embarassment HA! But she was cool about it and she remembered me so that was nice. Way to be remembered huh?
The second day was a lot calmer. Not as much people were milling around and not as many YA author signings. I figured out that for the most part at BEA yes you make a schedule of all the author signings you want to go to but in between those times it's good to walk by some booths because you never know what they're giving out. I got plenty of books and random swag this way. You have to kind of stumble upon some stuff.
My boyfriend called me a nerd for going BUT here's proof that not only us "book nerds" go to these things.
See? There's Tony Hawk! I also happened to be walking around and my heart just stopped when I saw him... Mr. Nigel Barker Fashion Photographer from America's Top Model!!
Isn't he lovely?? Ah yes... He didn't have his book with him but I was happy to just be in those arms lol.
Anywho back to the books... Here's myself and Simone Elkeles who's truly hilarious.
On the other side of her table was champagne and chocolate for us! Now that's what I call a signing. Even though after that champagne I felt just a little too loose lol.
Here I am with Lauren Oliver. check out those stacks and stacks of Before I Fall and Delirium! I'd say waiting in line for 45 minutes for her was worth it.
And one more pic of me with Laurie Halse Anderson who is a legend and just so sweet. She loved the fact that we were both wearing purple cardigans :)
I got loads of books. Some books and swag I got just to give away because you guys are awesome. So please do look out for a huge contest coming in a couple of days. By the time Thursday rolled around by back and shoulders were killing me, my feet were swollen and my thighs hurt from chaffing (don't ask). BUT it was all worth it. If you didn't make it this year I truly hope I've convinced you to come next year. Stay tuned for my Imm BEA edition!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Book Blogger Hop (4)
Book Blogger Hop is a new meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books. This is a pretty fun way to discover new blogs and connect with more people. If you'd like to participate, visit Crazy For Books where she explains how it works.
If you found my blog through Book Blogger Hop, please leave a comment and let me know!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Leaving Gee's Bend by Irene Latham
Publication Date: January 7, 2010
POC Challenge #1
A young girl sets out to save her sick mother and records her adventures in quilt pieces.
Ludelphia Bennett may be blind in one eye, but she can still put in a good stitch. Ludelphia sews all the time, especially when things go wrong.
But when Mama goes into labor early and gets deathly ill, it seems like even quilting won’t help. That’s when Ludelphia decides to do something drastic—leave Gee’s Bend for the very first time. Mama needs medicine that can only be found miles away in Camden. But that doesn’t stop Ludelphia. She just puts one foot in front of the other. What ensues is a wonderful, riveting and sometimes dangerous adventure. Ludelphia weathers each challenge in a way that would make her mother proud, and ends up saving the day for her entire town.
Set in 1932 and inspired by the rich quilting history of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, Leaving Gee’s Bend is a delightful, satisfying story of a young girl facing a brave new world.
My Two Cents:
I haven't read any Middle Grade books in years because I figured that at my age I would find them silly. Well I'm really glad I took a chance on this one. I enjoy reading books set in the South. There's something so realistic about them even when it's fiction.
Ludelphia is one of my favorite main characters. She's only ten but she's smart, and extremely courageous. At times she's a little naive but what ten-year-olds aren't? I'm glad the author captured the fact that even though she wasn't afraid of much, she still made mistakes that most kids make.
This novel is pretty much about Ludelphia's journey to get her sick mom some medicine. Some of the people she meets along the way are very helpful and kind. Other people she encounter appear to be helpful but may have other motives. She learns at her young age that not everyone can be trusted and that looks are sometimes deceiving. In the end, Ludelphia proved that no matter how young, sometimes you can still make a difference. I would definitely recommend this book to ages 9 and up.
POC Challenge #1
A young girl sets out to save her sick mother and records her adventures in quilt pieces.
Ludelphia Bennett may be blind in one eye, but she can still put in a good stitch. Ludelphia sews all the time, especially when things go wrong.
But when Mama goes into labor early and gets deathly ill, it seems like even quilting won’t help. That’s when Ludelphia decides to do something drastic—leave Gee’s Bend for the very first time. Mama needs medicine that can only be found miles away in Camden. But that doesn’t stop Ludelphia. She just puts one foot in front of the other. What ensues is a wonderful, riveting and sometimes dangerous adventure. Ludelphia weathers each challenge in a way that would make her mother proud, and ends up saving the day for her entire town.
Set in 1932 and inspired by the rich quilting history of Gee’s Bend, Alabama, Leaving Gee’s Bend is a delightful, satisfying story of a young girl facing a brave new world.
My Two Cents:
I haven't read any Middle Grade books in years because I figured that at my age I would find them silly. Well I'm really glad I took a chance on this one. I enjoy reading books set in the South. There's something so realistic about them even when it's fiction.
Ludelphia is one of my favorite main characters. She's only ten but she's smart, and extremely courageous. At times she's a little naive but what ten-year-olds aren't? I'm glad the author captured the fact that even though she wasn't afraid of much, she still made mistakes that most kids make.
This novel is pretty much about Ludelphia's journey to get her sick mom some medicine. Some of the people she meets along the way are very helpful and kind. Other people she encounter appear to be helpful but may have other motives. She learns at her young age that not everyone can be trusted and that looks are sometimes deceiving. In the end, Ludelphia proved that no matter how young, sometimes you can still make a difference. I would definitely recommend this book to ages 9 and up.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Book Blogger Hop (3)
Book Blogger Hop is a new meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books. This is a pretty fun way to discover new blogs and connect with more people. If you'd like to participate, visit Crazy For Books where she explains how it works.
Cool Blogs I discovered today:
If you found my blog through Book Blogger Hop, please leave a comment and let me know! I look forward to meeting new bloggers and readers :)
Cool Blogs I discovered today:
If you found my blog through Book Blogger Hop, please leave a comment and let me know! I look forward to meeting new bloggers and readers :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday (11)
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials by Stephanie Hemphill
Publication Date: July 1, 2010
Why I'm So Antsy:
Wicked Girls is a fictionalized account of the Salem witch trials based on the real historical characters, told from the perspective of three young women living in Salem in 1692—Mercy Lewis, Margaret Walcott, and Ann Putnam Jr.
When Ann’s father suggests that a spate of illnesses within the village is the result of witchcraft, Ann sees an opportunity and starts manifesting the symptoms of affliction. Ann looks up to Mercy, the beautiful servant in her parents' house. She shows Mercy the power that a young girl is capable of in a time when women were completely powerless. Mercy, who suffered abuse at the hands of past masters, seizes her only chance at safety. And Ann’s cousin Margaret, anxious to win the attention of a boy in her sights, follows suit. As the accusations mount against men and women in the community, the girls start to see the deadly ramifications of their actions. Should they finally tell the truth? Or is it too late to save this small New England town?
Gee what a twist on that boring Crucible book huh?! I'm also crushing on this cover!
What are you waiting on?
Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials by Stephanie Hemphill
Publication Date: July 1, 2010
Why I'm So Antsy:
Wicked Girls is a fictionalized account of the Salem witch trials based on the real historical characters, told from the perspective of three young women living in Salem in 1692—Mercy Lewis, Margaret Walcott, and Ann Putnam Jr.
When Ann’s father suggests that a spate of illnesses within the village is the result of witchcraft, Ann sees an opportunity and starts manifesting the symptoms of affliction. Ann looks up to Mercy, the beautiful servant in her parents' house. She shows Mercy the power that a young girl is capable of in a time when women were completely powerless. Mercy, who suffered abuse at the hands of past masters, seizes her only chance at safety. And Ann’s cousin Margaret, anxious to win the attention of a boy in her sights, follows suit. As the accusations mount against men and women in the community, the girls start to see the deadly ramifications of their actions. Should they finally tell the truth? Or is it too late to save this small New England town?
Gee what a twist on that boring Crucible book huh?! I'm also crushing on this cover!
What are you waiting on?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Teaser Tuesday (5)
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Here's my Teaser:
"I hope I still looked like any distracted girl, sipping my latte and juggling shopping bags. I waited until I was right next to the hazel before I chucked my latte and hollered, launching myself at whoever was skulking around back there."
~"Hearts at Stake" by Alyxandra Harvey, Page 69
Sounds like she was ready to kick some butt!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- Share the title and author, too, so others can add the book to their TBR Lists if they want

"I hope I still looked like any distracted girl, sipping my latte and juggling shopping bags. I waited until I was right next to the hazel before I chucked my latte and hollered, launching myself at whoever was skulking around back there."
~"Hearts at Stake" by Alyxandra Harvey, Page 69
Sounds like she was ready to kick some butt!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
Monday, May 17, 2010
You Wish by Mandy Hubbard
Publication Date: August 5, 2010
ARC Source: Around the World Tours
Summary from Goodreads:
Kayla McHenry’s sweet sixteenth sucks! Her dad left, her grades dropped, and her BFF is dating the boy Kayla’s secretly loved for years. Blowing out her candles, Kayla thinks: I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin’ do.
Kayla wakes the next day to a life-sized, bright pink My Little Pony outside her window. Then a year’s supply of gumballs arrives. And a boy named Ken with a disturbing resemblance to the doll of same name stalks her. As the ghosts of Kayla’s wishes-past appear, they take her on a wild ride… but they MUST STOP. Because when she was 15? She wished Ben Mackenzie would kiss her.
And Ben is her best friend's boyfriend.
My Two Cents:
What a funny light read! How can you read about a pink pony, real life Ken doll and even more outrageous things that a little girl with an imagination could hope for and not crack up? As Kayla's wishes come true, you'll laugh out loud, and sometimes feel your heart ache for the little girl in her. Yes, this is funny and light but it also deals with some deeper issues. She doesn't have the best relationship with her family. All she's ever had was her best friend. However, if her wish that her best friend's boyfriend Ben kisses her comes true, she could lose her as well.
Kayla also has issues within herself where she goes out of her way to not be in the in crowd. There's always the case of where the popular kids make fun of the not-so-popular. Kayla actually makes fun of the popular! She's definitely unlike any character I've ever come across and I really loved her humor in it all. From chasing after the pony to trying to stuff huge gumballs in her garage she was a good sport lol.
Sidebar: Am I the only one just dying to see what that life size Ken looked like?? Whew!
ARC Source: Around the World Tours
Summary from Goodreads:
Kayla McHenry’s sweet sixteenth sucks! Her dad left, her grades dropped, and her BFF is dating the boy Kayla’s secretly loved for years. Blowing out her candles, Kayla thinks: I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin’ do.
Kayla wakes the next day to a life-sized, bright pink My Little Pony outside her window. Then a year’s supply of gumballs arrives. And a boy named Ken with a disturbing resemblance to the doll of same name stalks her. As the ghosts of Kayla’s wishes-past appear, they take her on a wild ride… but they MUST STOP. Because when she was 15? She wished Ben Mackenzie would kiss her.
And Ben is her best friend's boyfriend.
My Two Cents:
What a funny light read! How can you read about a pink pony, real life Ken doll and even more outrageous things that a little girl with an imagination could hope for and not crack up? As Kayla's wishes come true, you'll laugh out loud, and sometimes feel your heart ache for the little girl in her. Yes, this is funny and light but it also deals with some deeper issues. She doesn't have the best relationship with her family. All she's ever had was her best friend. However, if her wish that her best friend's boyfriend Ben kisses her comes true, she could lose her as well.
Kayla also has issues within herself where she goes out of her way to not be in the in crowd. There's always the case of where the popular kids make fun of the not-so-popular. Kayla actually makes fun of the popular! She's definitely unlike any character I've ever come across and I really loved her humor in it all. From chasing after the pony to trying to stuff huge gumballs in her garage she was a good sport lol.
Sidebar: Am I the only one just dying to see what that life size Ken looked like?? Whew!
Winner of The Carrie Diaries!!
First I just want to thank everyone for entering! It came up to 209 entries. After counting all entries, picked by Random org, the winner is.......................................
Donna @ Donna's Blog Home
She has been e-mailed and has 48 hours to get back to me with her address or else I'll have to draw another name. Please do look out for my other contests that I have in the works.
Donna @ Donna's Blog Home
She has been e-mailed and has 48 hours to get back to me with her address or else I'll have to draw another name. Please do look out for my other contests that I have in the works.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
In My Mailbox (7) and BEA
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren
Gone by Lisa McMann
Runaway by Meg Cabot
The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong
Kiss of Death by Rachel Caine
Not Pictured: Hunger by Michael Grant
Folly by Marthe Jocelyn
Caleb + Kate by Cindy Martinusen
Not Pictured: Entrapment:A High School Comedy in Chat by Michael Spooner
ARC's from Strand:
Abe in Arms by Pegi Deitz Shea
The Owl Keeper by Christine Brodien Jones
Flash by Michael Cadnum
Not Pictured: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Not Pictured: Sources of Light by Margaret McMullan
Not Pictured: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
Not Pictured: Sources of Light by Margaret McMullan
So I did good this week. I'm especially glad to be getting more of my missing series books. What did YOU get??
On a Side Note: Any of my followers going to BEA?? I am! I am! I'd love to meet up with some of you. This is my first time going and I won't know anyone :( As you all know I live in NY so I could be a pretty good tour guide as far as good places to eat, shopping,and cute book stores such as Strand. Leave me a comment or shoot me an email if you're interested!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Teaser Tuesday (4)
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Here's my Teaser:
"There had been too many coincidences to be anything other than fate. Haven hoped she could figure out why before she fell hopelessly in love with the boy lying next to her."
~"The Eternal Ones" by Kirsten Miller, Page 173
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- Share the title and author, too, so others can add the book to their TBR Lists if they want

"There had been too many coincidences to be anything other than fate. Haven hoped she could figure out why before she fell hopelessly in love with the boy lying next to her."
~"The Eternal Ones" by Kirsten Miller, Page 173
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
In My Mailbox (6)
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren
Infinity:Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon (ARC)
The Crossing by Andrew Fukuda (ARC)
It Chicks:Sweet Sixteen by Tia Williams (PBS)
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George (PBS)
Kiss in the Dark by Lauren Henderson (PBS)
You by Charles Benoit (ARC)
Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller (Around the World Tours)
Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder (PBS)
Fire Study by Maria V. Snyder (PBS)
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (PBS)
Not Pictured- The Reckoning by Kelley Armstrong (PBS)
I did pretty good this week!'s my Birthday!! What did you get?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday (10)
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill @ Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
Teagan Wyllston grew up hearing about Celtic mythology, night crawlers and banshees, and how the Irish Travelers have been at war with goblin kind since before time. One of her favorite stories is the legend of Fionn Mac Cumhaill, the great hero who defended his people and was cursed by the goblin god for all eternity. It's a good one, full of powerful beings and romance, but it is just that . . . a story, and nothing more.
That is, until eighteen-year-old Finn comes unexpectedly into her life. Then, suddenly, the stuff of Irish legend doesn't seem quite so fantastical. Could Finn be her hero, like his namesake in the stories? Or is Teagan destined to fight the forces of evil herself?
Tyger Tyger by Kersten Hamilton
Publication Date: November 15, 2010
Why I'm Antsy:
That is, until eighteen-year-old Finn comes unexpectedly into her life. Then, suddenly, the stuff of Irish legend doesn't seem quite so fantastical. Could Finn be her hero, like his namesake in the stories? Or is Teagan destined to fight the forces of evil herself?
This seems pretty interesting. Is it possible that goblins can be sexy?? Tell me what you guys are waiting on!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Teaser Tuesday (3)
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
Here's my Teaser:
"Before I even have a chance to take a deep breath, he stands up and slides onto my side of the bench. He is sitting so close to me , I hope he doesn't mistake my heart for a ticking time bomb."
~"Shrinking Violet" by Danielle Joseph, Page 178
Mmm if a guy can make your heart do that, I'd say he was a keeper!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- Share the title and author, too, so others can add the book to their TBR Lists if they want

"Before I even have a chance to take a deep breath, he stands up and slides onto my side of the bench. He is sitting so close to me , I hope he doesn't mistake my heart for a ticking time bomb."
~"Shrinking Violet" by Danielle Joseph, Page 178
Mmm if a guy can make your heart do that, I'd say he was a keeper!
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Teaser Tuesdays post, or share your 2 ‘teasers’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks!
The Ghost and the Goth by Stacy Kade
Publication Date: July 6, 2010
ARC Source: Around the World Tours
After a close encounter with the front end of a school bus, Alona Dare goes from Homecoming Queen to Queen of the Dead. Now she’s stuck here in spirit form with no sign of the big, bright light coming to take her away. To make matters worse, the only person who might be able to help her is Will Killian, a total loser/outcast type who hates the social elite. He alone can see and hear her, but he wants nothing to do with the former mean girl of Groundsboro High.
Can they get over their mutual distrust—and this weird attraction between them—to work together before Alona vanishes for good and Will is locked up for seeing things that don’t exist?
My Two Cents:
Well I love the cover for one. I really can't say I liked main character Alona, in fact she irritated me. She was so selfish. At times I felt sorry for her. Yes, she did things for good sometimes but ultimately they were for her own convenience. Even though I didn't like Alona, I did like Will. I didn't find him to be goth at all. Just because someone dresses in dark colors and hoodies all the time doesn't mean they're goth. Maybe I see it differently because I live in NY? Perhaps. I saw him as just misunderstood, trying to pretend he didn't have this "gift". He reacts the same way anyone would if they could see and hear ghosts to avoid being put in the looney bin.
The whole mystery behind Will's emo friend was just...weird and probably should've been left out of the book completely. Me and this book had such a love hate relationship. Sometimes I liked it, and sometimes I wanted to slam it down. Will's mom was completely clueless until practically the end of the book when the truth was staring her right in the face. I must say that naive characters really grind my gears. The times I liked it were when Will interacted with the other ghosts he could see. Those were the funniest moments.In this book we get a little mystery, and a touch of romance that didn't really get all the way hot. Did I think this one was sexy? No. But is it worth reading? Yes.
ARC Source: Around the World Tours
After a close encounter with the front end of a school bus, Alona Dare goes from Homecoming Queen to Queen of the Dead. Now she’s stuck here in spirit form with no sign of the big, bright light coming to take her away. To make matters worse, the only person who might be able to help her is Will Killian, a total loser/outcast type who hates the social elite. He alone can see and hear her, but he wants nothing to do with the former mean girl of Groundsboro High.
Can they get over their mutual distrust—and this weird attraction between them—to work together before Alona vanishes for good and Will is locked up for seeing things that don’t exist?
My Two Cents:
Well I love the cover for one. I really can't say I liked main character Alona, in fact she irritated me. She was so selfish. At times I felt sorry for her. Yes, she did things for good sometimes but ultimately they were for her own convenience. Even though I didn't like Alona, I did like Will. I didn't find him to be goth at all. Just because someone dresses in dark colors and hoodies all the time doesn't mean they're goth. Maybe I see it differently because I live in NY? Perhaps. I saw him as just misunderstood, trying to pretend he didn't have this "gift". He reacts the same way anyone would if they could see and hear ghosts to avoid being put in the looney bin.
The whole mystery behind Will's emo friend was just...weird and probably should've been left out of the book completely. Me and this book had such a love hate relationship. Sometimes I liked it, and sometimes I wanted to slam it down. Will's mom was completely clueless until practically the end of the book when the truth was staring her right in the face. I must say that naive characters really grind my gears. The times I liked it were when Will interacted with the other ghosts he could see. Those were the funniest moments.In this book we get a little mystery, and a touch of romance that didn't really get all the way hot. Did I think this one was sexy? No. But is it worth reading? Yes.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
In My Mailbox (5)
In My Mailbox is hosted by Krist from The Story Siren
So ummm yea I decided to do a vlog this week. Can you tell just how nervous I was?? Yikes! Please be gentle since this was my first one lol
Books Mentioned:
~Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder (PBS)
~It Chicks by Tia Williams (PBS)
~Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey (PBS)
~Knight Angels:Book of Love by Abra Ebner (bought)
~Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (bought)
~Thief Eyes by Janni Lee Simner (bought)
~Burned by P. C. Kast and Kristin Cast (bought)
~The Best and Hardest Thing by Pat Brisson (bought)
~Hourglass by Claudia Gray (won at Princess Bookie's contest)
~Scars by Cheryl Rainfield (arc)
~Outside the Ordinary World by Dorie Ostermiller (arc)
~Indigo Blues by Danielle Joseph (arc)
~My Ultimate Sister Disaster by Jane Mendle (arc)
~You Wish by Mandy Hubbard (Around the World Tours, already mailed)
Blogs Mentioned:
~Emily @ What Book is That?
Okay! Now that I've probably made a fool of myself for everyone's amusement...what did you guys get??
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