Friday, July 30, 2010
The Elephant in the Room.....
You know exactly what I'm referring to. At least my old followers do. My outfit has changed. Do you miss the butterflies?? Because I do! Apparently the site that was hosting my old layout is no more and so there goes my butterflies :( When I went to check on my blog the other day it was naked!! Imagine the way my heart beat out of my chest. After quickly scanning for new layouts I came across this one. Turquoise is my favorite color for the summer so I grabbed it. Until I find the layout that gives me chills, I'll be trying some new ones out. So please feel free to let me know what you think because I have no idea what I'm doing!
Book Blogger Hop (7)
Whew! Now that my internet is back I can do these again woohoo!!
Book Blogger Hop is a fun meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books. This is a great way to discover new blogs and connect with more people. If you'd like to participate, visit Crazy For Books where she explains how it works.
This Week's Question:
If you found my blog on the hop please leave me a comment and let me know!
Book Blogger Hop is a fun meme hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy For Books. This is a great way to discover new blogs and connect with more people. If you'd like to participate, visit Crazy For Books where she explains how it works.
This Week's Question:
Who is your favorite new-to-you author so far this year?
I'd have to say Anastasia Hopcus who's the author of Shadow Hills. I'd seen her around the blogosphere and couldn't forget her because her hair is an awesome shade of red. Shadow Hills was such an unexpected good read. Usually I'm very suspicious when trying new authors. However she had me from the first page :)
If you found my blog on the hop please leave me a comment and let me know!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Winners of the Got Books? Event
According to the two winners for my ARC Prize packs are.................................
Missy @ Missy's Reads and Reviews winner of the Eternal Prize Pack
Briana the Book Pixie is the winner of the Sapphique Prize Pack
Congratulations!! They already have responded and their prize packs are on the way. A huge thanks to the the Got Books coordinators for having this awesome event!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Got Books? Event Giveaways
This is a celebration about books, but more so for the bloggers that help tell the world about them. This event is to celebrate book bloggers round the world by shining a light on their efforts, spreading the word about their sites for future follows on your reading rounds, and having a little contest fun along the way.
On to the goodies!!!
This contest is open INTERNATIONAL. You may pick more than one Prize Pack that you want to win but you cannot win both. There will be two winners that will be notified by Monday. Here are the prizes:
Eternal Prize Pack
~ARC of the Eternal Ones by Kristen Miller
~Sample first chapters of Bright Young Things by Anna Godberson
~E-book of Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
The Duff bookmark
Mistwood bookmark
Return to Paradise bookmark
Ascendant bookmark
Everlasting bookmark
Hunger postcard
Hunger Button
Sapphique Prize Pack
~ARC of Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
~E-book of Ascendant by Diana Peterfreud
~E-book of The Ivy by Lauren Kunze & Rina Onur
Prophecy of the Gate soundtrack cd
Three Rivers Rising postcard
Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams bookmark
Mistwood bookmark
Island Sting bookmark
The Secret Year bookmark
Witch & Wizard candle
13 to life button
Return to Paradise bookmark
Ascendant bookmark
Good Luck!! Don't forget to stop by the other blogs for more goodies!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
CSN Opportunity and Got Books Event
Recently I've been contacted by CSN to do a review on one of their products. They have been contacting a lot of big blogs and I'm just honored to even be included! They have over 200+ stores to choose from. You can purchase anything from the bathroom sink, bedspreads, bookshelves to toys for your kids. Some of these are,, and many more! I've had my eye on so many things I'm not even sure what I should choose. I've been checking these out:
What do you guys think?
In Other News.....
From their blog:
This is a celebration about books, but more so for the bloggers that help tell the world about them. This event is to celebrate book bloggers round the world by shining a light on their efforts, spreading the word about their sites for future follows on your reading rounds, and having a little contest fun along the way.
Myself and so many other blogs will be participating in this huge book event this weekend. To give you guys one hint, all I'll say is I'm giving away two fabulous ARC prize packs! So please check back on Saturday. The winners will be posted on Monday. Other blogs will also be giving out great prizes so go to the site and check it out!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Chopping it up with Jackie Morse Kessler
Today I'm chopping it up with Jackie Morse Kessler, author of Hunger. Here's a little bit about her:
Jackie Morse Kessler grew up in Brooklyn, NY, with a cranky cat and overflowing shelves filled with dolls and books. Now she’s in Upstate NY with another cranky cat, a loving husband, two sons, and overflowing shelves filled with dragons and books (except when her sons steal her dragons). She has a bachelor’s degree in English and American Literature, and yet she’s never read any Jane Austen (with or without zombies). She also has a master’s degree in media ecology. (The living study of technology and culture. Which is cool, but she still can’t figure out how to use Tweetdeck.)
Jackie spends a lot of time writing, reading, and getting distracted by bright and shiny new ideas. (She just came up with a new idea right now.) She has a weakness for chocolate and a tendency to let her cat take over her office chair.
Describe Hunger in 10 words or less.
JMK: An anorexic teenage girl becomes the new Horseman of Famine.
How did you get the idea for Hunger?
JMK: I've wanted to write this book for roughly ten years. In terms of the
Horsemen/Famine aspect, I've had a lot of influences, from Marvel Comics to
Piers Anthony to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. But the eating disorders,
well, that's personal. I finally wrote the book in later 2008. At its core,
HUNGER is an issue novel about eating disorders, and it uses the Horsemen of
the Apocalypse to tell the story -- it's not a Horsemen of the Apocalypse
book that happens to have an anorexic protagonist.
Tell us something that not a lot of people know about you.
JMK: I wish I could sing. As it stands, people pay me **not** to sing.
Name the sexiest thing about Hunger.
JMK: Heh, that's a tough one for me, because I don't think of it as a sexy
book. (Wait, come back! I'll change my answer! Hello...?)
There are some heavy issues in Hunger involving anorexia. Have you dealt with this issue personally?
JMK: I was bulimic when I was younger, and I've had body-image issues for
what feels like most of my life.
What would be your perfect writing setting?
JMK: Right now, because I prefer writing at my desk in my home office, I
can't picture anything else. Well, maybe if Matt Damon were on hand to
restock the printer and fetch me chocolate and, you know, just stand
Have you read any YA lately that you just couldn't put down?
JMK: So many books!!! I loved Jeri Smith-Ready's SHADE, and hugely enjoyed
Shannon Delany's 13 TO LIFE. And I got to read Heather Brewer's upcoming
TWELFTH GRADE KILLS -- so awesome! -- and I'm about to read a sneak peek of
A.S. King's PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ -- can't wait!
Are you working on anything at the moment?
JMK: This week, I'm reviewing copy edits for RAGE, the second book in the
Riders' Quartet (the Horsemen books), and I'm also writing LOSS, the third
Anything else you'd like to add?
JMK: Eating disorders suck. If you buy a copy of HUNGER, a portion of
proceeds will go to the National Eating Disorders Association.
Thanks so much Jackie for doing this interview with me! If you missed it, you can check out my review for Hunger HERE. Needless to say, I LOVED this. This book hits stores October 18, 2010. Click Here to preorder your copy.
Jackie Morse Kessler grew up in Brooklyn, NY, with a cranky cat and overflowing shelves filled with dolls and books. Now she’s in Upstate NY with another cranky cat, a loving husband, two sons, and overflowing shelves filled with dragons and books (except when her sons steal her dragons). She has a bachelor’s degree in English and American Literature, and yet she’s never read any Jane Austen (with or without zombies). She also has a master’s degree in media ecology. (The living study of technology and culture. Which is cool, but she still can’t figure out how to use Tweetdeck.)
Jackie spends a lot of time writing, reading, and getting distracted by bright and shiny new ideas. (She just came up with a new idea right now.) She has a weakness for chocolate and a tendency to let her cat take over her office chair.
Describe Hunger in 10 words or less.
JMK: An anorexic teenage girl becomes the new Horseman of Famine.
How did you get the idea for Hunger?
JMK: I've wanted to write this book for roughly ten years. In terms of the
Horsemen/Famine aspect, I've had a lot of influences, from Marvel Comics to
Piers Anthony to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. But the eating disorders,
well, that's personal. I finally wrote the book in later 2008. At its core,
HUNGER is an issue novel about eating disorders, and it uses the Horsemen of
the Apocalypse to tell the story -- it's not a Horsemen of the Apocalypse
book that happens to have an anorexic protagonist.
Tell us something that not a lot of people know about you.
JMK: I wish I could sing. As it stands, people pay me **not** to sing.
Name the sexiest thing about Hunger.
JMK: Heh, that's a tough one for me, because I don't think of it as a sexy
book. (Wait, come back! I'll change my answer! Hello...?)
There are some heavy issues in Hunger involving anorexia. Have you dealt with this issue personally?
JMK: I was bulimic when I was younger, and I've had body-image issues for
what feels like most of my life.
What would be your perfect writing setting?
JMK: Right now, because I prefer writing at my desk in my home office, I
can't picture anything else. Well, maybe if Matt Damon were on hand to
restock the printer and fetch me chocolate and, you know, just stand
Have you read any YA lately that you just couldn't put down?
JMK: So many books!!! I loved Jeri Smith-Ready's SHADE, and hugely enjoyed
Shannon Delany's 13 TO LIFE. And I got to read Heather Brewer's upcoming
TWELFTH GRADE KILLS -- so awesome! -- and I'm about to read a sneak peek of
A.S. King's PLEASE IGNORE VERA DIETZ -- can't wait!
Are you working on anything at the moment?
JMK: This week, I'm reviewing copy edits for RAGE, the second book in the
Riders' Quartet (the Horsemen books), and I'm also writing LOSS, the third
Anything else you'd like to add?
JMK: Eating disorders suck. If you buy a copy of HUNGER, a portion of
proceeds will go to the National Eating Disorders Association.
Thanks so much Jackie for doing this interview with me! If you missed it, you can check out my review for Hunger HERE. Needless to say, I LOVED this. This book hits stores October 18, 2010. Click Here to preorder your copy.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Claire De Lune by Christine Johnson
Publication Date: May 18, 2010
ARC Source: Around the World Tours
Torn between two destinies?
Claire is having the perfect sixteenth birthday. Her pool party is a big success, and gorgeous Matthew keeps chatting and flirting with her as if she's the only girl there. But that night, she discovers something that takes away all sense of normalcy: she's a werewolf.
As Claire is initiated into the pack of female werewolves, she must deal not only with her changing identity, but also with a rogue werewolf who is putting everyone she knows in danger. Claire's new life threatens her blossoming romance with Matthew, whose father is leading the werewolf hunt. Now burdened with a dark secret and pushing the boundaries of forbidden love, Claire is struggling to feel comfortable in either skin. With her lupine loyalty at odds with her human heart, she will make a choice that will change her forever?
My Two Cents:
Claire is really just your average girl just trying to enjoy her sweet sixteen. She's happy so many people showed up, especially her crush Matthew. When her mom explains to her that she's a werewolf her life does a 360. She just wants to be normal but unfortunately for her she's not.
I love that this is an all-female pack of wolves. The author gives most of them such strength and wisdom giving this novel a very unique flair. Claire doesn't exactly fit in with the other wolves and has no idea what the customs are but still wants to please her mom. They've never had the best relationship. That's all great and everything but then she actually starts getting somewhere with her crush but so many odds are against them. His father and her mom hate each other. Not to mention the fact that his father is also fascinated with werewolves and is determined to catch one. This puts Claire in between a rock and a hard place.This turned into a thriller/mystery when there's a wolf killing people in the town. Claire has to make some huge choices between her heart and her head.
I really enjoyed this one. At first I wasn't too crazy about Claire, but then as the book went on I was able to identify more with her character. She wants to please everyone at the same time. The action will leave you on the edge of your seat and the romance will have you fanning for air. Definitely give this one a read.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Winner of Matched!
According to, after 255 entries the winner of my ARC of Matched by Ally Condie is........................
Erika from Erika Breathes Books!!
Erika from Erika Breathes Books!!
Woohoo!!! I'll also throw in some swag I've received from book events. I want to thank everyone for entering and tweeting this contest. She has been e-mailed and has 72 hours to get back to me with her address or else I'll have to draw another name. New contest coming very soon!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
In My Mailbox (11)
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren
I haven't been able to do one of these in a little while but it's been a nice couple of weeks.
I haven't been able to do one of these in a little while but it's been a nice couple of weeks.
For Review:
~The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
~Hell's Belles by Jackie Kessler
~Princess of Glass by Jessica Day George
~Immortal Beloved by Cate Kieran
~Delcroix Academy:The Candidates by Inara Scott
~Wicked Girls by Stephanie Hemphill
Sea by Heidi R. Kling (Thanks Allison @ The Allure of Books)
~Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad
~Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris
~Jason & Kyra by Dana Davidson
~Sellout by Ebony Wilkins
~Rich and Mad by William Nicholson (Strand)
Hunger Button and Postcard (Thanks Jackie!)
What did YOU get??
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler

Publication Date: October 18, 2010
ARC Source: Traveling ARC Tours
Summary from Goodreads:
“Thou art the Black Rider. Go thee out unto the world.”
Lisabeth Lewis has a black steed, a set of scales, and a new job: she’s been appointed Famine. How will an anorexic seventeen-year-old girl from the suburbs fare as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Traveling the world on her steed gives Lisa freedom from her troubles at home: her constant battle with hunger, and her struggle to hide it from the people who care about her. But being Famine forces her to go places where hunger is a painful part of everyday life, and to face the horrifying effects of her phenomenal power. Can Lisa find a way to harness that power — and the courage to battle her own inner demons?
My Two Cents:
Perhaps I've been under a rock for most of my life but I've never heard the story of the four horsemen. Anywho, it doesn't matter because the author does a wonderful job at helping us understand it. The best word to describe this novel is Ironic. What are the odds that the new Famine would actually be anorexic?
Main character Lisabeth, is anorexic and in denial. Besides having weight issues she now keeps seeing these scales everywhere and hearing a voice that's telling her that she's Famine. Freaky.... But I love it. This novel was extremely short BUT I found out everything I needed to know by the time I closed the last page.
Death was my favorite character. Besides the fact that he was hott, I liked him because he didn't sugarcoat things. Him singing Kurt Cobain was just funny and added to his character.
Did I like the way this ended? Not entirely. However, it didn't take away from the book. I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately some parts made it hard to continue reading. Anorexia is a serious thing and I truly commend Jackie for bringing this issue to the light even if it is in the form of a fiction novel. She definitely shows us the ugly side of it with Lisa's haunting "thin voice".
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