Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blogging and Reading Goals for 2011

 LOL so uh yea I know it's 2011 already! That's okay, I still feel like I need to post my goals to make it real. 

  • Tweeting More- 2010 I was a quiet tweeter. This year I want my voice to be HEARD.
  • Better Time Management-By the time I get home from work in the evenings and have cooked dinner I'm completely spent which sometimes leaves blogging on the burner. I will be doing most of my posts on weekends and scheduling them to give myself some breathing room.
  • Less ARC tours!!! They've been my drug of choice over the past year. Since more and more have set up I have a gone a bit crazy to where I look around and my tbr is steady growing instead of getting lower. That's no good so unless a site has a book that I am truly dying for I will pass.
  • More Reviews-Need I say more? At least 1-2 a week shouldn't kill me. 
  • Discussion Posts- I want to know a lot more about my followers and what makes you guys tick! So I've made a list of topics that I wonder about myself that I want to know your opinion on.
  • Read a lot more- I've decided that it's taking me way too long to finish books. I've made a designated time to read at night.
  • Mini Reviews-I will be sprinkling in some of my Adult book reviews but grouping at least 3 together.
  • Blog Tours-I plan to do a lot more of these and have so many scheduled already so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, i enjoy reading blog tours :) Good luck on all your goals and hey, even if you don't complete all of them, no big deal.

    I'm with you on the time management! I'm the oppostie with Twitter. some days I spend more time on Twitter than I don my own blog *sheepish*


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