Today we are joined by Stacey Jay to talk about her newest title The Locket. In case you missed my review you can check it out
here. Here's a little about her:
Stacey Jay is a recovering workaholic (or at least working hard at recovering) with three pen names, two small children, and a passion for playing pretend for a living. She’s been a full time mom-writer since 2005 and can't think of anything she'd rather be doing. Her former careers include theatre performer, professional dancer, poorly paid C-movie actress, bartender, waiter, math tutor (for real) and yoga instructor.
In her very limited spare time, Stacey enjoys cooking elaborate dinners and eating them very, very slowly, dressing up in costumes with her sons, and dancing like a total freak who all but the coolest of her friends are embarrassed to be seen with.
1. Tell us about The Locket in 10 words or less.
One girl. Two boys. One very scary piece of jewelry.
2. If you could rewind time what special moment in your life would you want to experience again?
When I was not-quite-fifteen, I went to Greece, Turkey, and Romania with my best girlfriend and her family. We were there for three weeks and it was, without a doubt, one of the most amazing times in my life. I would love to go back and relive all the adventures we had.
3. We usually get zombies and things that are creepy from your previous books. What can we expect in this one?
“The Locket” isn’t creepy, I wouldn’t say, but there is definitely a horror element. It’s a slower build to the scary, but I’m hoping that—by the last few chapters—my readers will be as freaked as they were by my flesh-hungry zombies.
4. You've had quite a few careers in the past. What made you gravitate towards writing?
I’ve always loved telling stories—I was very into writing and acting growing up—but as an actor I was rarely in charge of what story was being told. As a writer, I get to say who, what, where, and why, and I like that. I like being the boss. Or at least…more of the boss. Sort of the boss…sometimes. Lol.
5. What YA book are you currently reading? Any recommendations?
I just finished BEASTLY by Alex Fllinn last night. It was a fun, fairy-tale inspired read. I’m getting ready to start FIRE by Kristin Cashore tonight. I can’t wait! I’ve been so strapped for reading time this year, and I’m way behind on my TBR pile.
6. Do you believe in fate?
I believe in mystical opportunities, but I don’t think anything is predetermined. As human beings, we have free will and the capacity to shape our life journey and that’s a huge gift. Way better than fate.
Thanks so much for stopping by Stacey! To learn more about her check out the links below: